2025 Conference
June 10th and 11th, online!


Important facts about the 2025 conference: Note: times might change once we finalize this year's schedule.

Call for Submissions: Talks

We want to hear from you! In 2023 we opened for the first time the conference to talk submissions, and the response was great. You sent us tens of proposals from which we ended up chosing two, one per day, to complement our roster of invited speakers.

This year we want to open the conference even more, starting from the talks. We decided to open their submissions earlier in order to have more time to shepherd promising ideas into conference presentations.

The deadline for submissions is March 28th. Shortly after that we'll reach out to everyone who submitted a talk proposal to let you know if it was approved or not, and talk about next steps from there.


REAC is different. As per our mission: "We aim to provide an open and inclusive venue to discuss the “behind the scenes” aspects of rendering that are often key to the success of a product (game, platform, movie…) and organisation".

We want to highlight the architecture and craft of real-time rendering. This includes: Talks about pipelines, workflows, culture, hard-earned lessons from the experience of engine-making, experiments and failures - all the topics that are fundamental to our craft, but hardly feature in traditional computer-graphics venues, are welcome.

We’d also like to encourage people to speak on particular aspects of their engine. We feel the game development community benefits from simply hearing about the diversity of approaches to rendering engines that exist. We welcome talks sharing experience over focusing only novelty - talks do not need to showcase new ways of solving a problem; illustrating the reasoning, tradeoffs, "behind the scenes" of why a solution was chosen is what we value most.

This could be a talk on the streaming system, shader management, GPU vs CPU pipelines, or the influence of editing/authoring tools on your engine design, just to name a few.

How to submit.

Format: Talks can be 60 minutes (50 minutes + 10 minutes for Q&A) or 30 minutes (25 minutes + 5 minutes for Q&A). Please indicate your preference in the submission. As this is going to be a virtual conference, we expect talks to be pre-recorded videos, with the presenters available during the live event for Q&A and discussion over Discord.

Requirements: Our submission requirements are lean and are meant to encourage you to get your ideas out! That said, we cannot do detailed follow-ups for all the proposals we receive, so it is important when you tell us about your talk, to describe it with enough clarity so that we can truly get, from the submission, what your intent is. What are the main points, why you feel like the topic is important and would help our community.

We want to encourage both new and familiar faces to submit, so even if you have not spoken at a conference before, we would love to receive your submission.

Go to the submission form.
